Sharing Your Story

The most effective way of communicating the work of Jesus in someone's life is by the evidence of transformation of that life, either through actions and lifestyle, or in telling of that transformation in words. The sharing of one's life story is the most effective way to share the transforming power and salvation offered through Jesus Christ.

However, telling our stories can still cause anxiety, especially if we have never organized our thoughts in a way that makes telling it easy. May this help you create a way to capture your faith journey in such a way that makes it easy to share, relevant to the person you are talking to, and with the help and power of the Holy Spirit, compels him or her to move toward Jesus.

Your story has three key elements: before (prior to becoming a follower of Christ), commitment (your decision to follow Christ), and after (how you live your life differently)


Who were you before you committed your life to Christ? Or, who are you today if you haven't committed yourself to Christ? While everyone's "before" looks different, typically there are similarities in the way we lived our lives and how we felt during this time. Take the next several minutes to write out what your life looked like during your "before." Don't hold back specific situations, experiences, or emotions that come up as you write. Make sure you include where you were spiritually. Take as much time and space as you need-we will edit this part later.

You may want to use some of the following questions as you recall and capture this part of your life.

  • What was your lifestyle like?

  • With whom were you socializing? What were your activities with them?

  • What were your emotions in your day-to-day life?

  •   How did you deal with challenges, setbacks, and crises?

  •   What did you feel was lacking in your life?

  •   What were your hopes and dreams?

  • What did your relationships look like?

  •   Where did you turn for help or advice?

  •   How did you satisfy your inner needs? (loneliness, fear of death, insecurity, etc.)

  • Were there any consequences you were dealing with for your actions, decisions or choices?

  •   Where were you spiritually?


As you prepare this part of your story, simply recount the events and circumstances that caused you to consider Christ as the solution to your searching. Take time to identify the steps that brought you to the point of trusting Christ. It may be that you were taken to church by a friend and heard a message, or someone told you his or her story and you related to him or her. Or maybe you had been searching for something that was missing in your life and discovered Jesus another way. If you have not yet committed your life to Christ, consider where you are and what questions you have that you can share with your group this week.

Take several minutes and write this portion of your story. Again, don't hold back emotions that come up as you remember your personal situation. Remember as many details as you can. This is where you are telling about Jesus and what He did for you.

Be sure to include these key elements:

  •   How you came to terms with the sin in your life. When did you finally understand you were separated from God?
    What made you realize you needed God in your life?

  •   When did you realize you needed forgiveness and had to change the way you were living?

  •   Be honest with the doubts, excitement, or other feelings you had as you were presented with a relationship with Jesus Christ.

  •   How did you actually invite Jesus into your life? Quietly in your heart, praying aloud, going forward in a church service, over a period of time, in one sudden, emotionally packed moment? Did it happen during your Rooted experience? Was there anyone else prominently involved in you becoming a Christian?

  •   Did you get baptized right away? (if you haven’t been baptized, ask your City Group leader or a pastor to get more information!)


Take several minutes and write down what your life has been like since you made your commitment to follow Jesus. Try to capture how Christ is meeting your needs, and what a relationship with Him means to you now. Take as much time and space as you need, and don't hold back feelings or emotions that may come up. You may want to consider these questions as you write this portion of your storv:

  •   How has Christ made a difference in your life?

  •   How has His forgiveness impacted you?

  •   How have your thoughts, attitudes, and emotions changed?

  •   What has changed in your relationships with others?

  •   How does your faith in Jesus affect your hopes and dreams?

  •   Where do you see yourself as part of God's plan to restore the world back to how He created it in the first place? (If this part of your story is incomplete, you may want to spend time praying about it, and recognize there is another chapter in your life that is yet to be written-but don't let that keep you from sharing your faith journey up to this point.)

After you have written all three parts of your story, you might need to edit it as you may have only a few minutes to tell it when the opportunity arises.

Look at each section of your story, and try to edit each part down to a paragraph of 6-10 sentences. As you practice your story, use a timer and keep it to two minutes. Don't eliminate the passion or emotion from your story, and don't skip the parts about commitment, acknowledging the need for Christ, receiving His forgiveness, and accepting the Holy Spirit into your life.

Try to take out any "Christian-ese" or "church words" and phrases as these can alienate your audience, or at the very least confuse them or keep them from identifying with your life (for example, words like "born again,"

"Gospel," and "repent"). Replace them with words that are more relatable and conversational-you don't want to sound judgmental or alienating.

Now you should have a three-paragraph summary of your faith journey that is easy to remember, and easy to tell

  • How do you feel about telling your story to others?

  • How does this affect how you think about evangelism?

  • Write a prayer telling God your feelings after writing out your whole story


Running a Prayer Experience with Your City Group